People often wait to contact until they really, really need help. Once they have gotten to the point of emailing me, they are ready to meet ASAP. The problem is it often takes some time before I can get them in for an appointment that works for their schedule.
It was taking a toll on me to not be able to get them in when they very much wanted my help immediately. At times, I started to break my own boundaries with my schedule, and that started to have a negative effect on my health and wellbeing.
And so I'm happy to announce a solution! ....
Classes can provide relief because you can get started working on things as soon as this week!
Students must be viewable to me, but there is no pressure to particpate.
Classes will consist of 30min of instruction and 15min for QandA.
While this isn't a substitute for the type of personalized attention and counsel you'd get from a private appointment, it is a way to start the process and get some feedback that could be really helpful. Check out the link/website below to get signed up.
One of the common reasons people seek help is because they are in the crisis phase of discovering an affair. Others have tried a long time to regain trust with little success. Alex has a great deal of experience helping couples recover from betrayal and has recently attended a training by Esther Perel, a leading therapist in the area of affairs and trust.
There are basic receptive and expressive communication skills that Alex can teach you to integrate into your relationship. There are also patterns we develop with our partners that get in the way of using constructive communication skills. Alex can assess your communication patterns and teach you how to effectively communicate.
It's difficult for a lot of people to talk about their physical intimacy. Many couples avoid talking about it while others fight often about differences in desire and frequency. Therapy can be a safe place to talk about what you like most about your sex life, what you'd like more of, and how to resolve sexual issues you may be experiencing.
It's normal to lose the connection you once shared when you spend years focusing on careers and kids. Therapy can help you share with each other the loneliness you have been feeling and explore ways to reconnect. Some couples report that just the process of making a first appointment makes them feel closer, as it is something they are doing to prioritize the relationship.
A lot of therapy is serious, but there is also focus on how to feel alive and enthusiastic in your relationship again. Remember when you used to have so much fun together? It's probably a big part of what made you want to be partners. Therapy can help you focus on bringing the lightness and fun back into your relationship.
Therapy can help you understand yourself and your relationships better. We all have unique parts of our personalities that we have developed over time and for good reason. Some of our characteristics help us and some get in our way. Understanding who you are, what thoughts guide your behaviors, and how you are affected by others can make a world of difference.
The differences between therapy, counseling and coaching can be confusing. Let me try to help explain:
*weekly sessions
*45 or 90 minute sessions
*reimbursable by insurance as long as a) there is a diagnosable mental health disorder being treated and b) you have out of network benefits
*provided by a licensed practitioner
*there is no difference from your point of view between counseling and therapy, nor between counselor and therapist
*goal-oriented and transformation-focused
*provides actionable items and real-time support to get results
*more direct, motivational approach from me
*freedom to decide modality (in person, virtual, email, text, phone, etc)
*access to me/my feedback beyond the appointment time
*not reimbursable by insurance
To Learn More about Coaching, click here.